Ice Splash 2024
Saturday, February 24, 2024 (11:30 AM - 4:00 PM) (EST)
If you plan to take the plunge you must contact the board office to get your waiver form, that form must be completed and returned before 2/23/24! Sponsorship forms are also available. Once completed those must also be turned into the board with the donations, any checks please have them filled out to the CCBOR.
Cost to Splash is $50.00. Each Splasher must fill out and return the waiver to the board office before 2/23/24. You CAN NOT sign up to splash the day of the event. Registration opens at 11:30am on 2/24/24 and the approximate splash time is 1:00 pm. This is a Rain or Shine Event.
You can also click on each picture and print your form right from the event page or contact the board and we will provide you with the forms.

$50.00 to splash
Don't want to plunge, but still want to donate? Just hit the continue button under the splash, you can leave the splash section blank and you can donate in $10.00 increments.
$20.00 per T-Shirt
523 Water Street
Charlestown, 21914
Registration opens at 11:30 am. Splash time is approximately 1:00pm