Volunteer to be on the Board of Directors

Hey there Realtors and Affiliates, it's that exciting time of year again where we start considering our next set of Directors! How about you? Would you like to serve? Or perhaps you know someone who'd be perfect for the role? We'll soon be sending out emails asking for nominations! If there's anything you're unsure about or if you'd like to understand more about the director's role, I'm here to help! Keep an eye out for more information coming your way soon! This is a wonderful opportunity, don't miss it! 

Board of Directors Responsibilities

The board is the governing body of the association and is responsible for:


  • Planning and oversight
  • Policy development
  • Allocate and protect assets
  • Advance the mission and strategic plan

Who do you represent?

  • Represent and vote in the best interest of the body you are serving
  • If you are sitting on the local board, then you represent local members

As a volunteer leader, your job is to represent the membership and act in their best interests.

  • Listen to members
  • Attend events
  • Promote association
  • Identify new volunteers
  • Must be on and attend committee meetings

Fiduciary Duties

  • Duty of Obedience
  • Duty of Loyalty
  • Duty of Care


Obey the rules – Governing Documents:

  • Articles of incorporation
  • Bylaws
  • Policies & procedures
  • Strategic plan

Speak with one Voice


  • Avoid conflicts of interest – DISCLOSE!
  • Corporate opportunities
  • Confidentiality

Directors must be prudent in overseeing the organization’s affairs. Directors must handle the organizational duties with such care as an ordinary prudent person would use under similar circumstances.

Act in good faith, Show up, Be prepared (read materials), ask questions, be informed

Board of Directors meetings are once a month, every 1st Thursday at 9:30 am.

Section 1. Officers. The elected officers of the association shall be: a president, a president-elect, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. The secretary and treasurer may be the same person. They shall be elected for terms of one year.

Section 3. Board of Directors. The governing body of the association shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the elected officers, the immediate past president of the association, and 7 elected REALTOR® and/or Affiliate members of the Board. Directors shall be elected to serve for terms of three (3) years, except that at organization, one-third of the elected directors shall be elected for terms of one (1), two (2), and three (3) years, respectively, or for lesser terms as may be necessary to complete the first fiscal year. Thereafter, as many directors shall be elected each year as are required to fill vacancies.

Any Primary member of the Board serving as an elected officer or District Vice President of the MARYLAND REALTORS®, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, or of BRIGHT/MLS Metropolitan Regional Information Systems or as a Member of the Maryland Real Estate Commission shall serve as a Director of the Board during that term of office. (Amended 1/05)

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This role would be for 3 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events. 

No more than 2 members can be members of the same Brokerage. 

This role would be for 2 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events. 

No more than 2 members can be members of the same Brokerage. 

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events. 

No more than 2 members can be members of the same Brokerage. 

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events. 

No more than 2 members can be members of the same Brokerage. 

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events. 

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events.

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events.

This role would be for 1 years. The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the association. You would meet once a month, normally the 1st Thursday of each month. You would hear what the committees are doing and vote on any changes or upcoming events.